Today is a landmark day for me. My new business name, Honeycomb Adventures Press, LLC, has been approved and is now official. Honeycomb Adventures Press, LLC will be the publisher for my upcoming book, The Creation, and more Bible storybooks as they are developed.
Why “Honeycomb?” Because God’s Word is sweeter than honey from the comb. Psalm 19:10 is only one of many verses that makes the connection between honey and scriptures. Why “Adventures?” Because reading God’s Word is like reading an adventure. My goal as a writer is to encourage and enable young families to re-discover the adventures that are found in God’s Word.
The illustrations in my Bible story books are hand appliquéd quilt blocks. My vision in doing this is that families will become inspired and enabled to create or purchase Bible quilts that will serve as reminders to read the Bible at bedtime when their children point to the story pictures on their quilt tops that they want to hear again.

The Creation is the first of my Bible storybooks to be published. I am still working on getting the best photographs of my quilt blocks before sending the book files to the printer. I hope I’m down to my last month of waiting.
I’ve been sitting on this domain name for a few weeks, and while I waited for approval of my business name I have transfered all my various blogs under this blog, Honeycomb Adventures Press, LLC. From this point forward all of my blog posts will be made from this website. Most of my former blog titles have been translated into category headings and can be found in the sidebar.
I am looking forward to exciting days ahead with Honeycomb Adventures!

I have been praying to find a Press for my series of Bogville Frog Tales. These are frogs that live in Bogville. Each bedtime storybook speaks loudly with a soft voice of life’s important lessons. Each book has the message of Romans 12:18.Live in Harmony with one another. These are simple children’s rhymes that make up picture books. By God’s devine providence I found the editor and then years later again God chose the illustrator. The story of the making of these picture books is a witness of God’s interaction in our daily lives. I do hope you are the one to bring these books into the lives of children and amuse adults as well. We are putting together a dummy book. If you would be interested in seeing it.
Blessings and giggles
Donna Barnes
Thank you for asking, but I am not taking any submissions.