Ms. Terri says these are our last pictures. It has been so much fun exploring in this frozen land. Even though it is cold outside, the people have been very warm and friendly.

It’s sad, but it’s time to go. I’m really going to miss this place. I think my downy feathers have thickened up while I was here. Ms. Terri has been so good to take me everywhere with her. I tried to be good, but you know how it is for a little duck like me… Mr. Terry was nice too.
Here’s a note from Ms. Terry and Mr. Terry:
These pictures are from the last days of the Ely Winter Festival.
A farewell to Wolf Lake, as Ducker looks outside the dining room window of the Schocke’s home. There is the boat dock buried under several feet of snow, and the frozen lake beyond.
Thanks for coming, Ducker… We enjoyed your visit!
Terri & Terry
P.S. Now that the snow sculptures are done, the Festival winds down a bit through the coming weekend. The Mukluk Ball is in Tower, MN., this year. The Schocke’s won’t be attending because they don’t dance to the Blues. There is a Dorothy Molter Annual Dinner at the Grand Ely Lodge on Saturday, but I (Terri) have a part to play in preparing for it, so we need to get Ducker on his way… into the cyber-space-shuttle! Thanks for coming!

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