I’m quacking with great news! I’m in Ely, Minnesota visiting Terri Shocke, Mrs. Green’s cousin, and her husband who is also named Terry. Now that really quacked me up! Terri and Terry!
The very first day that I got to Ely, we went to the North Amereican Bear Center. I met Dr. Lynn Rogers, the “Bear Man” of the North woods! He told me all kinds of stories about hibernating bears. Here is a picture of Dr. Rogers:

The best story was about two bears he watched all last winter. Lily, the mama bear, had a baby bear called a cub last winter. The cub’s name is Hope. They had some interesting and scary adventures last summer when they got separated from each other. But Lily and Hope found each other again both times and they are sleeping together in their den this winter.
Not only that, but Lily is going to give birth to more cubs any day now. I wonder if she will have one or two cubs. What will hope do when the new cub(s) come?
I wish I could go to their den, but it is a secret place where visitors can’t go. But I can watch them on the computer, and so can you. Just click on this link: http://www.bear.org/livecams/lily-hope-cam.html
We also went to the International Wolf Center facility. Here is a picture of me in the snow. Man it is a lot deeper here than it was in England! Brrrr! and colder!

We also visited the Dorothy Molter Museum. Lots of people tell stories about Dorothy Molter, the Root Beer Lady around here. Mrs. Terri helped write a book about her. You can learn more about Dorothy Molter at this link: http://www.rootbeerlady.com/
Wow! That was one exciting first day in Ely. Mrs. Terri is really busy getting ready for the Winter Festival that will happen real soon. I can’t wait to see all the snow sculptures!

The first image is not the Bear Center. That is the International Wolf Center facility.
Thanks for the heads-up Carissa. Terri and I are communicating through email. I’m still in sunny South Carolina. I should have gotten her to preview this before posting, but she is so busy right now. I re-arranged the pictures as well as corrected the captions.
the first photo of Dr. Lynn Rogers IS in front of the North American Bear Center. The 2nd photo of the distant building is the International Wolf Center.
I had originally miss-identified the Wolf Center as the Bear Center, and corrected it after Carissa’s post. I also re-arranged the pictures at that time. Sorry for the confusion.