Yesterday I was sitting on my front step watching a kitten scout out everything that moved in my flower bed while my husband gathered grapes from our grape arbor. An occasional sprinkle on my bare arms teased that it might rain, so I looked up at the sky. What I saw coming down was feathers, a dozen or more.
I then did an instant replay and in my mind heard the echo of a bird squawk that had been heard only seconds before but I had ignored it. I wish I had looked up instantly and perhaps I would have seen what happened in mid-air right in front of me. Instead I must imagine the scenario…
Perhaps a hawk caught a bird in flight. Perhaps a mocking bird chased another bird away, though I’ve never seen a mocking bird knock feathers off another bird. I fear a bird lost its life to a predator that swooped down from the sky.
What’s the take-away for me? Keep your eyes and ears open at all times. You never know what you may miss if you don’t.
© 2010 by Janice D. Green

I enjoyed this blog and will think of it next time feathers come drifting down on me! Wow– if I were you I wouldn’t be able to keep up with all your different blogs!
Thanks Carol. To be truthful, I don’t keep up with them all that faithfully. I enjoy writing when I feel like it on various topics, so I tried to divvy up the topics this way. So they also get to share the neglect…