How do you teach children to pray? Even more so, how do you teach them to pray if you struggle with your own prayer life? Today I received my Family Devotional Success Newsletter in my email, and teaching children to pray was the topic of its first article.
This article reminds us that we must be careful not to reduce God to a granter of wishes or to a god who must be appeased as if we were praying to a pagan god. We must grow in our understanding of who God is if we are to have a meaningful prayer life.
The newsletter gives practical sugestions on how to guide children to use the following concepts as they pray:
Bless the Name of the LORD;
Thank God;
Pray for another person;
Pray for yourself
Mealtime prayers are also discussed.
I have only scratched the surface of the content of their article. In no way do I intend to steal their thunder. Please read the Family Devotional Success Newsletter for more powerful insights. This is the same organizaion that publishes Bible Bookmarks for children.
(Note: I do not receive any compensation from Family Devotional Success or Bible Bookmarks to make this post. I am simply scouring the Internet regularly for great resources to pass on to my readers.)

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