Hey kids! Here is a fun presentation of The Prodigal Son and two more parables from www.bibleforchildren.org. It was written by Edward Hughes, adapted by Ruth Klassen and Sarah S., and illustrated by Lazarus.
Which of the two sons is most like you? Who is most like God in the story? Do you remember who tells this story in the Bible? You can read all three of these parables in your Bible in Luke 15.
You might also like another presentation of The Prodigal Son, prepared by Charles Kirkpatrick and illustrated by Henry Martin. It was produced by Sermons4Kids.com. You may need to log into their website to watch it.
After you watch one of the presentations or read the verses from the Bible, see if you can work my puzzle: The Prodigal Son Puzzle

That’s cool to see you providing a link to kids to be able to understand the story of the prodigal son. If you are looking for a great story for adults, John MacArthur put together a book with over 200 pages and dvd study series that is unlike anything I have ever seen! I have a link to the youtube video on my blog if you want to check it out. Thanks for putting this out for kids though as it is very important for kids to understand this story.
Thanks for your post. Your DVD looks good.