Spider webs catch the first snow. I noticed a web made down in the shrubbery along the walkway that was full of snow long before the branches filled with snow.
IPhones don’t work with gloves on. I took of my right glove to take a picture and then quickly put it back on and put my iPhone back in my pocket.
Mittens are probably warmer than gloves because your fingers can help keep each other warm better in mittens. I always felt my fingers were isolated and thus colder in gloves, so today I decided to test the theory. I forced my fingers into the middle two glove-fingers, with two fingers in each compartment. Sure enough, my fingers were warmer. I tucked the empty glove-fingers into the palm of my hand to keep them from sticking out.

The snow in the air doesn’t show up so good in iPhone pictures. I took a few pictures because this over-grown kid wanted to prove it was snowing while I was walking. Besides, where I live in SC we seldom get this much snow.
While snow is beautiful, it is more comfortable indoors. If I’d had a few other kids around who were younger than me, I’d have been tempted to make a snowman and some snow angels. Then I’d have had more great pictures. But I came up short on motivation to do all that by myself. Besides I wouldn’t have anyone to take pictures for me while I made the snow angels.

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