Do you have friends who wear a WWJD bracelet? The letters stand for “What Would Jesus Do?” People wear these bracelets to remind themselves to think of what Jesus would do when they are tempted to do somthing they shouldn’t. This is a good way to remind yourself to think about Jesus when friends want you to do bad things.
Do you think the bracelet always works? What if you saw someone who was wearing a WWJD cheat on a test or take someone’s pencil when they thought nobody was looking? Or maybe you heard them say unkind things about another kid. Do you really know someone is trustworthy just because they are wearing a WWJD bracelet?
An expresion I sometimes hear people say is “Your actions speak louder than your words.” Kids wearing a WWJD bracelet are telling the world that they do what Jesus says. But if they don’t act like they are listening to what Jesus says, their actions are speaking louder than their bracelet about what kind of person they really are.
When we obey Jesus’ rules we are bearing fruit. There is a Bible verse that says, “Produce fruit in keeping with repentance… “(Luke 3:8 NIV) Jesus is saying that it isn’t enough to look like a Christian, to wear a WWJD bracelet or a cross on a necklace. We must do what Jesus tells us to do.
Father God, work in our hearts to help us want to please you from the inside out. Help us to bear fruit for you in everything we do. Amen.
© 2009 by Janice D. Green
Scripture quoted by permission. Quotations designated (NIV) are from THE HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved.

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