A rough group of orphan boys discover peace in a most unlikely way. If you like adventure, you will love this exciting story. Click on the title: A Sheaf of Grain , an exciting Christmas story from Your Story Hour: Kids’ Corner. (http://www.yourstoryhour.org/)
Listen to this audio story and then check out all the other cool finds on this web site. There are puzzles and contests and more. They also have an online magazine for kids called Clubhouse. Check it out.

I haven’t checked this website out yet, but it sounds great! I have six and seven year old granddaughters, and this looks like a great source for them!
Sherry, If you want resources for your granddaughters, please check out my Honeycomb Kids and Honeycomb Families blogs. That is where I target the younger generation.
http://www.janicedgreen.com will list other blogs I write as well. I notice your “familytreewriter.com” url. I like writing the stories I can gather about things that happened in yesteryear at http://www.amemoryago.com.