This may not be all that spiritual, but it has been a great discovery for me and I thought I would pass it on. About two, maybe three, years ago I purchased a pink microfiber towel from Pampered Chef and paid ten dollars for it. I loved the towel. It soaked up lots of water wiping dishes. I could almost wash windows without window cleaner. It proved to be great for dusting, with or without dusting spray. It is great for soaking up the excess water on hand washed clothing. It was a really handy towel, but at ten dollars a towel, I didn’t rush out and fill up my towel drawer with them.
Then I discovered I could purchase a package of 24 of these towels at Sam’s Club for only ten dollars, so I grabbed up a pack and began putting them to work. According to the instructions that came with the Pampered Chef towel, it shouldn’t be washed with fabrics that give off lint – a problem when you only have one or two towels, but not with 24.
I have refined my use of my “glad rags” as I like to call them. I use my first pack of 24 towels (the yellow ones) for the dirty jobs. I wipe down my dog when she comes into the house all wet from the rain. I have plenty of towels when I wash windows. My husband keeps 2-3 in his shop. I put the dirty towels into a pail until most are dirty, then throw them all into a single wash load. They are also helpful for washing the shower curtain liner. I put the towels and liner in the wash together and the towels do a thorough job of scrubbing the liner.
I now have a blue set of towels that I will be using in my kitchen for hands, dishes, and any clean-up or drying off situation that isn’t likely to stain the towels. I keep one in the bathroom to use after my bath towel on my long hair to get the excess moisture out.
I don’t wash blue towels with yellow towels, as the shower liner has demonstrated that the color will bleed. My shower liner was white but now it is yellow. I’m about to paint my kitchen and just might match my paint to my twenty-four blue towels. I think they will be around for a while.
Some may think I’m crazy to spend twenty bucks on cleaning rags. But they do the job so well in less time that I feel it is money well spent. And you’ll never find cheaper kitchen towels – less than 50 cents a towel! I’ve thought about adding a touch of embroidery and giving them as gifts or donating them to our church’s fall festival.
PS This is not a paid advertisement.

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