Yesterday I wrote about the Genesis account of how God created the heavens and the earth. I wanted you to see the order God used so I didn’t want to write about everything at once. Today I want to talk about something very important about how God made everything.
Look at the first chapter in Genesis. (It’s the first chapter in the whole Bible.) Each day of creation begins with the words “And God said…”
So how did God put everything in place? God said it and it was done.
That may seem strange to you. But I don’t think it is strange at all. There was a famous scientist named Albert Einstein who came up with a fancy formula. This is the formula: E = MC2. This formula may look hard to understand, but there is one simple truth in it that I hope you will see. The E stands for energy. The M stands for mass (everything in the universe is made up of mass). And the C stands for the speed of light. What does all of this have to do with God speaking the world into place? Energy produces everything. But where did the energy come from that turned into everything we see? It came out of God. He opened his mouth and it all came out, but not in some crazy spilled out way. God spoke exactly what everything was supposed to look like, to feel like, to smell like, to sound like, and even what it would taste like. He chose what to make on the first day, the second day and so on, so it would all work together.
Wow! Now that’s powerful stuff. There was no series of chance happenings that started up this universe. It was God Almighty, all-powerful, all-knowing, and full of love and beauty, who made our earth and all the stars and planets that go farther than any man can see through the most powerful telescopes on earth. Worship him in your heart, because God deserves all of our love and praise.
Father God, how awesome you are. You made the highest mountains and the tiniest flower or speck of dust. You made the stars and planets and you made the tiny atoms that make up everything from sand to flowers and trees. Our minds are so small in comparison to yous. Yet when we remember that you created us in your image we can only wonder. You gave us a little of your mind, a little of your heart, a little of your love… How can we understand it all? Help us God. Help us to want to know you with all our hearts. Teach us what you want us to know. Amen.
© 2009 by Janice D. Green

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