Have the golden years arrived yet? I’m facing, perhaps prematurely, my retirement in two weeks and have a lot of mixed feelings about it. This came about partly because at 62 years of age I was unwilling to spend two hours a day driving on country roads with little or no cell-phone reception to get to the school I had been assigned to when my school was closed permanently.
But I’ve been wishing I could retire to become a full-time writer for two or three years now. I want to go at it seriously before I get too senile to be able to do pull it off. So here I am with my feet on the ground and my head in the clouds.
I’m very excited about one thing… I have received a scholarship to attend the Florida Christian Writers Conference this coming February. I hope my readers will say a prayer for me – that I will be able to order my steps so that I will be productive with my time, and that I will be able to walk so close to Jesus that I will have no doubts about where he is leading me.

I am an old Doc and I’ve played in a bluegrass band all my life. I can’t retire ’cause I haven’t gone to work yet.
You are certainly blessed to have work that is like play to you. In many ways my work is like play as I love to read to the students and I love much of what I do. But my desire to write has constantly been pushed aside to the demands of full-time employment. I look forward to the more relaxed schedule giving me the freedom to take up my second career as a writer.
Look for the wonderful things you can do with your time. You’ll be filled with creativity if you allow it to feed you soul. I tried retiring several years ago and now my schedule is so jammed that I need to set up specific times to write with a friend just to work on my novel. Of course, with two boys in college, I need to head back to work. Yuck! ^))