I am retired. Now I can spend more time writing – like I’ve wanted to do for years.
- Wheeeee! I’m freeeeeeee!
I have lists of things I want to write about.
- A newspaper series
- Bible story books with illustrations
- Children’s magazine articles and puzzles
- Articles about family stories
- …………
I have numerous projects started and several blogs.
- Children’s book illustrated
- See my blogs on the lower right
I have ideas of other things I want to write.
- Devotional books
- Consulting for people writing family heritage books
- …..
I have things I need to do to organize my office.
- Filing
- Throwing away stuff that isn’t worth the space it takes up
There are tasks calling me from the yard.
- Aaaaack! It’s safer inside!
There is always housework.
- Oh brother, is there!
There is email.
- Does it ever end?
There is Facebook.
- Aaahh, with family and friends who live so far away…
- Maybe I could go visit them now if gas prices stay down.
There is Twitter.
- Yes, with new writing contacts. Must be professional there.
And a zillion other things I didn’t even write in here…
Aaaaaaack! Too many choices!
Help me Jesus to sort through all the choices. Lead me to the ones you put in place for me.

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