Reference my earlier post: God Cares About my Troubles
Your question is so valid.
We people want God to keep everything rosy and perfect for us. You are concerned about the cardinal as I was. But God is seeing the world through a different set of eyes. His eyes are able to see beyond the tragedies and into eternity. Eternity is our final home, the home that is for keeps, our truest security.
The cardinal is a bird, not like human life. Cardinals and people die every day. God loves the cardinals and the people, He made them. God notices when a bird dies and cares that it died for no aparent reason as happened when this one was struck by my car. But in the world He created, there is a food chain that makes use of everything, even if the bird didn’t die a natural death.
As the scripture says, we are worth so much more than the sparrows. (Matthew 10:28-31) God does intervene on our behalf, though not always in the same way we ask. God looks at a much bigger picture than we are able to see though our eyes in the here and now. Sometimes God is using our troubles to re-shape our lives, to teach us new things, or simply to help us to re-focus our attention on Him.
And God sees past our world into Eternity. Once we are on the other side, our troubles will seem much smaller in comparison to how we see them now. There is a song called Until Then that has a line in it that says our troubles “remembered there will only bring a smile.” Follow the link to listen to it on UTube. Our lives are but a breath compared to the time we have in eternity. Look to Jesus during the troubles in your life and trust God with the big picture.

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