Proverbs 15:1-4 Click on this link to read the passage. You may select your preferred version of the Bible after the link opens.
I have Proverbs 15:1 attached to a magnet on my refrigerator. My daughter gave it to me when she was young and reminded me of it every now and then when her father and I would get into yet another round of squabbles. It is so hard to remember to give a gentle answer when you are under fire, but that is exactly when a gentle answer is the most effective. It doesn’t happen overnight, nor does it come naturally. It happens best when we truly draw near to God on a regular basis and when we allow His Spirit to empower us.
Our words have more power than we are willing to acknowledge. Unfortunately our cutting, hurtful words cause much damage, and so often these negative words undercut all the positive words we will so hard to generate.
It is the loose tongue, the tongue out of control, that gets us into trouble. Like toothpaste outside the tube, try as hard as you will, you can’t unspeak those words any easier than you can put the toothpaste back into the tube. The best check on the tongue is daily time spent with God in serious prayer and Bible study. Deal with it honestly and openly with God and you will gain victory in time.
Father God, help us to recognize the sin of a tongue that is out of control. Help us to check our speech and keep a tight rein on our tongues. Teach us daily to use words that edify others and build them up.
Copyright © 2008 by Janice Green

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