Matthew 6 Click on this link to read the passage. You may select your preferred version of the Bible after the link opens.
As I read this chapter the same message seemed to come to me over and over… It isn’t about me – it is all about Jesus Christ. We must not fast and pray to be seen by men because it isn’t about us, and we will never steal Jesus’ glory. Our possessions shouldn’t be hoarded for our own benefit here on earth – they are meant to be used to glorify Christ and to draw others to him. If our hearts are in our earthly treasures we will waste away with nothing to show for our life on earth. If we hold our treasures with open hands and allow God to work through us, then he will supply our every need, clothing us like the flowers in the fields and providing for us like the birds of the air.
Now if I can just remember this until tomorrow. How easy it is to get our eyes off Christ and onto ourselves and our own circumstances.
Father, help us to embed these verses firmly into our hearts and our thoughts. Help us hold your blessings with open hands and a spirit of sharing.
Copyright © 2008 by Janice Green

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