Psalm 118:5-9 Click on link to read passage. You may select your own version of the Bible after the link opens.
Is the Lord your refuge? When your financial security gets pulled out from under you do you feel secure? If you have experienced the rejection of divorce or alienation from a close friend, did you feel secure? There are many trials that may come across our path that test whether we are putting our confidence in people and relationships or whether we are putting our confidence in God.
I think this is one of the hardest lessons for me to learn. It isn’t that I don’t trust in God, I do. But when it gets down to facing the future with abandon knowing that my job will be terminated just before Christmas, I am filled with panic. It seems that this is a pattern that has followed me throughout my lifetime, and I have often given in to feelings of panic and fear. I cannot glorify God when I give in to these feelings.
It is time to step back and remember just who this awesome God is.
- He is the creator of the Universe and everything in it.
- He died on a cross to give us eternal life.
- He has walked this earth and knows our troubles from the inside out.
- Death could not keep him in the tomb.
- He uses sand to keep the ocean in its boundaries.
- He knows the stars by name.
Read Psalm 139 and be reminded that God is with you in every circumstance.
Recount times in the past when God rescued you in times of trouble and know that he will do it again.
Re-read today’s passage, Psalm 118:5-9, and remember that David went through many desperate times himself, yet he was able to put his trust in God. Read it again with praise and celebration in your heart. If you don’t feel like praising on the second or third time, read it again and again until it finally sinks in. God is faithful and his Word will not return void. Use his Word to lift your spirits.
Father God, who knows me better than I know myself. Protect me from moments of despair by lifting me up and drawing me close to your heart. Help us to truly trust you in every circumstance.
One more note: as I was writing this prayer I had to pause and listen to a song that was playing on the radio that meant so much to me in a critical time in my past. Isn’t that just like God?
The song is He’s Been Faithful by Carol Cymbala. I did a quick search online for a sound bite of the song. I found this on YouTube He’s Been Faithful by Vicki Yohe. I also found The words of the song on this website.
Copyright © 2008 by Janice Green

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