My neighbor welcomed me home from vacation and then showed me a nest in a tree in her yard. I was uncertain of the kind of bird that might have made it though I suspect it was made by mockingbirds as we have several around and they had built nests in our grape arbor before the bluebird box was set up. At the time the nest was empty, but now there is an egg in the nest. It was laid yesterday, (6/20/08), so I’m suprised there isn’t a second egg in the nest today. I hope to catch one of the birds on the nest soon so I can identify it.
June 22 check: There is still only one egg in this nest. I have yet to see the adult birds with the nest.
Pictures and text copyright © 2008 by Janice Green

The mother bird never laid any more eggs. This egg disappeared after a few days. If this had happened to my Bluebirds I would have been heartbroken, but we have so many Mockingbirds around that I don’t have much sympathy for the lost egg. Mockingbirds can become quite agressive and will try to run off all the other birds.