Hebrews 9:25-28 Click on link to read passage. You may select your own version of the Bible after the link opens.
In the old covenant the high priest had to offer sarifices again and again for the people’s sins. But Jesus only had to pay the price once for all the sins of mankind.
We too will die once and face judgement. Praise God, Jesus has already borne the penalty for our sins! He will come again, but his second coming is to gather those who have accepted his sacrifice, and to take them to live with him forever.
Have you accepted Jesus’ sacrifice for your sins, or have you shown contempt for the price he paid for your eternal salvation? He paid the price for you. Don’t throw it away.
Father God, incline our hearts to accept your sacrifice. Give us a passion for sharing your message of salvation with the lost around us.
Copyright © 2008 by Janice Green

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