Hebrews 9:16-24 Click on link to read passage. You may select your own version of the Bible after the link opens.
Why did Jesus have to die? In his death he became our perfet sacrifice for our sins. As in a will, his death also made our inheritance available to us.
In the Old Testament, the blood was sprinkled in the tabernacle and on everything used in its ceremonies. The shedding of blood was a requirement for forgiveness.
The tabernacle and everything associated with it is only a copy or representation of the greater and more glorious sanctuary in the heavenlies.
The new covenant has been established in the heavenly tabernacle with Jesus’ own blood. Jesus is our high priest and he is interceding for us in the true tabernacle in heaven.
Take time now to thank him for the sacrifice he made so he could be there to intercede on your behalf. Share your heart with him with the confidence that he understands your needs and cares for you.
Copyright © 2008 by Janice Green

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