Hebrews 12:12-13 Click on link to read passage. You may select your own version of the Bible after the link opens.
This chapter in Hebrews is definitely a model for growth in our Christian walk. If you are going to stay with this writer, you have to move on and up.
These verses challenge us to get our act together, to strengthen our arms and knees, straighten our paths, so that we can be of service to others in Jesus’ name. We can’t serve God if we are determined to sit around in self pity. Wow! This has been a week of preaching to myself!
Father God, clear my foggy mind and lift me up. I know you are there for me, waiting for me to look up into your eyes so I can draw strength from them. But let me not draw strength for myself only, let me draw strength to serve you in whatever way you lead.
Copyright © 2008 by Janice Green

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