I was watching some bluebirds around the new bluebird nest we put up when I thought I saw our dandelions jumping up and down like popcorn in a hot pan. So I watched them for a few minutes and guess what it was. Some American Goldfinch birds were in the grass getting the seeds from the dandelions. They were so pretty and so fun to watch as they would jump from one spot in the grass to another.
I think Goldfinches are my favorite bird. They have bright yellow feathers with black wings and a black patch on their heads. The females aren’t quite as bright and don’t have the black cap. I wanted to get a picture of them in the dandelions, but I think I scared them away. So I went around the house with my camera to see if they were on the bird feeders. There were bunches of them there too. Here are a couple of pictures I took.

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