Daniel 1:8-10 (Click to read NIV or select your preferred translation of the Bible. Please read the scripture first.)
Daniel was prepared to take a stand. He knew what foods God had forbidden his people to eat. Daniel was not willing to sacrifice his principles to please the king. Daniel’s decision to refuse the king’s food could have caused him to be executed, but he would not compromise God’s commands.
Daniel’s decision to not partake these foods came out of a life-long commitment to honoring God. He didn’t suddenly decide to stop eating them; he had decided this long ago. Then when the going got tough he didn’t waver.
We, like Daniel need to resolve issues of right and wrong, what we will and will not do, well ahead of the time when we may be challenged to decide. When we are under pressure to conform, it is hard to think rationally. If the decision has already been made prior to the pressure we will be stronger in our resistance.
God, help us to prepare ourselves to face the temptations that may come our way by studying your word to know your teachings. Then help us to embrace your teachings that we will not falter when the world pressures us to go in the wrong direction.
Copyright © 2008 by Janice Green

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