Daniel 1:11-14 (Click to read NIV or select your preferred translation of the Bible. Please read the scripture first.)
When the king’s guard was concerned for his own safety as well as Daniel’s life because of Daniel’s refusal to eat the kings food, Daniel exercised great wisdom. Rather than taking a defiant stand against eating the king’s food, he negotiated a proposal that turned the situation into a temporary test case.
We would benefit from following Daniel’s example of resistance through respectful negotiation. Unfortunately, we Christians often take the offensive approach to following God’s commands. I am referring to in-your-face self-righteous behavior that causes unbelievers to feel embarrassed or singled out for not meeting our expectations. Perhaps we need to examine our own behavior. Do we reach out to the unsaved in love and compassion, or do we view them with contempt because of their behaviors.
Father, lead us to follow you in humility. Help us to learn from Daniel’s example of diplomacy as he negotiated with the king’s guards. Give us his kind of wisdom as we live and work among the unsaved around us.
Copyright © 2008 by Janice Green

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