I just have to say I’m constantly amazed at the number of different kinds of birds we have around our house and yard. Yesterday I saw another first for me–the Summer Tanager. It is a totally red bird–the color is almost psychedelic. At first I thought it was a cardinal but the color was a little different with no black around the beak and no crest on its head. Its wings were barely darker than the rest of its body but still red which tipped me off to look under tanager in the bird guide book. I saw the same bird again this evening. Both times, the bird was eating from the suet basket while hovering like a hummingbird.
I also saw another visitor that I don’t see often this evening–the Indigo Bunting. I’ve seen them before, but very seldom.
Then we had all the regular visitors: Blue Jays, Cardinals, Mocking Birds, Downy Woodpecker, House Finch, Chickadee, Red Bellied Woodpecker, Titmouse, Morning Doves, Eastern Bluebirds (in front yard). They love our bird feeders. I wish I was better at catching them with the camera.
Copyright © 2008 by Janice Green

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