One day when I was in the first grade my teacher told us to be careful going home and to let our parents know there were tornado warnings out. I had never heard of a tornado, so I didn’t understand what she was saying. I thought she was talking about a tomato–a big tomato. So I was watching everywhere that evening for a gigantic tomato to drop out of the sky, until I told my mom. Then she explained to me what a tornado was.
The tomato was funny, but real tornadoes are not funny. I am thinking about my friends near Florence, SC tonight. Some really bad tornadoes went through their neighborhood this evening. Their father was really smart and built them a storm shelter when they moved into their trailer. They called me just after the tornado passed over their home and shelter. They heard a lot of hail, then a really loud noise. The tornado pulled a lot of shingles off the roof of their shelter while they were in it. It rolled another house trailer upside down that was right across the street from them. I’m glad my friends were OK, but I feel sad for all the other people who had their homes and yards messed up. I hope they will be able to sleep tonight. I know that was really scary. Please pray for Jessica and Hannah and their mom and dad and all their neighbors tonight.

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