I was so disappointed when I went outside this morning to go to school. I couldn’t see any yellow dandelions – only fluffy seed on top of stems where the flowers used to be. And I knew there were lots of dandelions around only a day or two ago. Here is my dog Missy standing behind a clump of dandelions with seed heads sticking out.
Drop your split stems into the water cup or jar and watch the strips curl up. Use them for decorations or just have fun watching them curl up. Here are some pictures of how they look.
As I was picking the dandelion stems I noticed that there were dandelion flowers that were not opened. I think maybe they open in only the warmest and/or sunniest part of the day and then close back up until late morning the next day.

How unique, Janice. I never thought of making dandelion curls. I will do it with my youngest son this year!
Tanya T. Warrington
I spent many spring and summer afternoons making these when I was a kid on both the inside and the outside. I’ve been frustrated in trying to put up the dandelion chains though. On Sunday they were open and very pretty–just right for making the chains, but I had to go to a special extra choir practice getting ready for Easter week. By the time I got back home it was too late. Today is Monday, and by the time I got home from school they had already closed up for the day. But one of these days I’ll show how to make dandelion chains.
Well, I’m still waiting for my chance to make dandelion chains. Today is Saturday but it was quite overcast so I never saw any open dandelions to make them with. Maybe tomorrow it will be sunny and then I’ll have a yard full.