2 Chronicles 6:36-39 (Click to read NIV or select your preferred translation of the Bible. Please read the scripture first.)
Solomon appealed to God on behalf of the people in his prayer of dedication for the temple. In his prayer he didn’t say “If they sin against you…” He said “When they sin…” Solomon knew the people would sin against God. He also appears to have had a premonition of the time in the Israelites future when the Babylonians did conquer the Israelites.
Solomon understood the importance of repentance. There is no hint that Solomon expected God to forgive those who were not repentant. Rather, Solomon describes a sequence of events in his prayer that he prescribes for forgiveness.
- Experience the suffering brought about as a result of their sin;
- Have a change of heart;
- Recognizing their sin for what it is, repent and plead with God confessing their sins;
- Turn back to God with all their heart and soul;
- Pray to God;
- God will hear and forgive.
This is a pattern that is consistent from the book of Genesis through Revelation. God has continuously asked man to repent of sins and to return to him. Fortunately for us, we are born after the resurrection of Jesus, and can receive total forgiveness through him.
Lord, quicken our consciences that we may see our sins for what they are, and lead us to come to you in total repentance. Then fill us with your joy as you cleanse us and enable us to break the chains of sin that would keep us from living fulfilled lives.
Copyright © 2008 by Janice Green

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