2 Chronicles 34:22-28 (Click to read NIV or select your preferred translation of the Bible. Please read the scripture first.)
God honors those who honor him. Josiah had chosen to honor God by removing the high places, and Asherah poles. He honored God by restoring the temple. And he honored God by reading the recently found Book of the Law. As he read the book he became keenly aware of the guilt of the Israelites and the many ways they had sinned against God. Josiah repented by tearing his robes and by seeking the Lord’s counsel.
Because of Josiah’s repentant heart, God chose to honor him in his lifetime and to postpone his wrath on the Israelite nation.
If there was ever a time when repentance was needed it is today. It is needed at every level from leadership to those in the upper, middle, and lower status positions in government and society in general – even in our churches and denominations.
As individuals, we must begin with ourselves. We must prayerfully reflect on our own lives and repent (agree with God about the sins in our lives and make the necessary changes) of any sins we see. Only then can we effectively pray for our churches, our society in general, and for its leaders.
Father God, you see our sins much more clearly than our clouded eyes are able to see. Help us to see through your eyes the things we need to repent of in our own lives. Give us willing hearts to address these problems and to deal with them in a Godly way ridding our lives of them completely. Then bring to mind the leaders that we need to be praying for on a regular basis. Lead us Lord, in the way you would have us to go.
Copyright © 2008 by Janice Green

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