1 Chronicles 28:1-5 (Click to view passage)
David is now old, and he has been getting his house in order and is now ready to pass the kingdom on to Solomon, his heir to the throne. In these verses David addresses all of the officials of Israel from the greatest to the least as well as all of the warriors who defend their people. Many years have passed since he first had the desire to build a house for the Lord, a place for the ark of the covenant; but he again tells the people of this desire that was so precious to his heart. He also tells them that God said for him to not build it because he was a warrior who had shed blood. He tells them that God had chosen his family to be king over Israel forever, and that his son Solomon would sit on the throne after him.
In verse 3 the reason is given as to why God would not allow David to build the temple. He had been a warrior who had shed blood. God does not want his people to be known as warriors.
Many pacifists would hold up this verse as evidence that God never approves of war; however, we need to be reminded that God commanded the Israelites to kill off all people when they first entered the Promised Land. God was also leading David through one military victory after another.
But when the Israelites went off to war without first asking God, they lost their battles. There has to be a very serious reason for going to war, something bigger that getting one’s own way.
Heavenly Father, we thank you for your Word, for the history of how you led your people, and for the lessons we can learn from them. Give us the desire to read it faithfully, and the openness to hear your voice speak to our hearts, and the willingness to obey your teachings.
Copyright © 2008 by Janice Green

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