1) A topic that catches my attention
2) Content that will keep my attention
3) Humor, writing to lift me up, or information to teach me something
I would like to pass this award to these five worthy bloggers:
happywonderer, plummershollow, fatfinch, rjhenz, hikerdude.
The rules are as follows:
1. Link back to the person that tagged you in your post.
2. List three things that you believe are necessary to make writing good and powerful.
3. Tag five other people via comment.

Congratulations to our fellow Roar recipients:
A Bad Case of Blog Envy
So as you see from the above link, I have formally thanked you for my award on my blog! I do appreciate it..
So as you see from the above link, I have formally thanked you for my award on my blog! I do appreciate it..
Hi Janice,
I was wondering i you knew where you got the picture of the “Blog award” that you received and also passed on?
I received a little recognition blog award for my blog as well as four other people yesterday, so I am going to continue to send it on to some other people.
When I was reading your blog, it looks like you received and participated in something similar too. I wanted to attach a little “award” picture with mine, and can’t find one.
The woman who sent it had received an award from someone and it had a couple of pictures, but I like yours better and I also didn’t want to ask her.
I liked yours and thought I’d try not to copy the one that she had used, so I thought I’d check with you and see if you’d let me know the website to yours …. I’m not sure why I can’t find a website, I’ve googled til I’m blue in the face and can’t come up with an “award” photo…
Sorry for the rambling here… Hope you can help me.
If you didn’t get my other comments from I believe yesterday,I love your blog! You are extremely talented and definitely a blog professional, unlike me. I’m still in this “newby” or whatever they call it stage…but maybe I’ll get there someday.
God Bless you! Also, many thanks and much appreciaiton.
here is a link to her blog and you can see what I’m talking about…
Her name is Bobbie….Thanks
Feel free to right click on the award image and save the image so you can insert it into your blog. That is how I worked it out. I believe I found the original blog or page that started the award, but I’m not sure. You need to follow the link to her blog and thank her, and then select the requested number of bloggers and pass on the award to them. I remember spending a lot of time looking for the origin of the “First Blog Award” and this is the picture I came up with. I believe there might have been some other choices, but I’m not sure. I don’t believe it was limited to WordPress blogs. I hope this helps.
By the way, you didn’t tell me the address to your blog so I could look it up.
PS I guess I wrote before I put my mind in gear. I spent a few minutes and traced down this URL that appears to be the stating point for this blog award.