© 2002, © 2004 by Janice D. Green
I’m old enough to know myself
To know what I can and cannot do
Don’t fault me for choosing
Not to beat my head against the wall
Yet one more time
Just to please you.
Some things I do well,
Yes, I truly excel.
While in some things I’m slow
Though by now I know
How to compensate for most
In other ways.
I might not fit your mold
Though you don’t understand why.
I may be slow to catch on
No matter how hard I try
For I’m smart as a whip
In some ways, that’s true.
I don’t choose to be slow
So don’t act like I do.
I do know my mind
So don’t think me unkind
If I say I can’t do what you ask.
If I don’t know me by now
I’d like to know how
You know me so well.
It seems we just met.
It’s your support I need
An encouraging word
Or a helping hand
In places where I fall short
To know that you see
The things I do well
Valuing them and me
Above all the voids.
I’m old enough to know myself
To know what I can and cannot do
Don’t fault me for choosing
Not to beat my head against the wall
Yet one more time
Just to please you!

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