Corine Williams – The Creation

Home/Reviews, The Creation/Corine Williams – The Creation
Are you looking for a unique way to tell the creation story; then check out The Creation by Janice D. Green. In The Creation, Mrs. Green paraphrases the Bible in order to help children understand the creation account as recorded in Genesis. Each day of the creation story is illustrated with a quilt block appliquéd with scenes from the story. At the end of each page, there are age appropriate discussion questions in order to engage your child in the concepts being taught. Some of the questions are simple and straight forward (e.g., Can you name some different kinds of birds?). But others appear designed to elicit deeper truths from your child (e.g., Nobody really knows what God looks like or what he did when he rested. When do you rest?).

This book has many uses – story time, homeschooling about creation, and Sunday School lessons. This book ends with a note to parents about teaching children about creation, as well as a Bible Quilt family activity. If you visit […], you can purchase Bible Quilt Coloring Page for only $1.50.

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Corine Williams – The Creation

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