David and Goliath

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True or False:__ King David was a little boy when he kept his father’s sheep. __ David was a little boy when he played his harp and sang for King Saul. __ David was a little boy when he killed Goliath. __ Noah’s Ark was a very crowded place. Well meaning Christian education leaders entertain children with these ideas to capture their attention and to entertain them in VBS and Sunday school classes and in Bible storybooks. They have coloring pages and videos to

David and the Big Bully

There was once a giant soldier who was over nine feet tall. He towered over the other Philistines in his army. This giant stood alone in the valley between two armies and shouted at the army of his enemies, the Israelites. Every day he shouted to the Israelites to send him one soldier who would fight him, but none of the Israelites were brave enough to take his challenge. The Israelites worshiped God. They knew about the many miracles that