His Whisperings – Devotions

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Angels Appear to the Shepherds – Luke 2:8-14

Angels Appear to the Shepherds The shepherds were the first to know About the holy sight. Their fields and flocks were all aglow From the angel’s glorious light. The angel brought good news for all Of peace on earth and joy The Savior of the world was born In a manger, a baby boy. Read this account for yourself in Luke 2:8-14 Of all the people God could have chosen to bless with the good news of the Savior’s birth, he chose the shepherds. And bless he did.

Jesus Birth – Luke 2:6-7

Jesus Birth  Who was there that sacred night When Jesus Christ was born? Who heard the baby’s tiny cry Or comforted Mary’s moans? Did animals know that God was there? Or did they wonder why A baby slept upon their hay With mother and father nearby? Read this account for yourself in Luke 2:6-7 The glory of the moment is that God came to earth to live with man. Jesus gave up his home in glory to become one of us, to walk in our shoes, to experience

No Room in the Inn – Luke 2:7

No Room Mary and Joseph, weary and tired, Traveled to Bethlehem town. They found the inn but it was packed With travelers from all around. The only place that they could find Was in a stable where animals slept. There Mary and Joseph settled in And tried to get some rest. Read this account for yourself in Luke 2:7 I never realized until the past couple of weeks that the innkeeper  was never mentioned in the Bible story, only the fact that there was no room in the

Travel to Bethlehem – Luke 2:1-5

Travel to Bethlehem Mary and Joseph traveled far This new law was quite a bother – Caesor Augustus said all must go To the towns of their great grandfathers. Joseph descended from David the King, So to Bethlehem they must hurry. Mary and Joseph traveled far, With little rest for weary Mary. Read this account for yourself in Luke 2:1-5 Some versions say that Caesar Augustus had levied a tax and the people had to go to the country of their ancestors to pay it, but most recent

Joseph’s Dream – Matthew 1:20-25

Joseph’s Dream  As Joseph wrestled through the night Thinking of what he should do An angel told him in a dream That God would see them through. “Don’t be afraid to marry her, This child is God’s own son. You must name him Jesus And raise him as your own.” Read this account for yourself in Matthew 1:20-25 Even though Joseph had decided to quietly divorce Mary, God intervened by sending an angel to him in a dream. Can you see the amount of respect Joseph had for