“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” There is little variance if any between the different Bible translations on the first sentence in the book of Genesis. God’s creation marks the beginning of time and existence.
What did God create and how? Scientists and theologians carry on an endless passionate debate over matters that cannot be verified by direct human observation. I don’t claim extensive knowledge in science, but I do have a deep seated love for nature and for understanding how everything relates one to another.
I love to put on my “logic hat” when I read the Bible – not because I want to pick it apart, but because I want to see it as the Creator intended for us to see it and to understand its full meaning.
I have been accumulating materials which can be used by churches to develop their own Vacation Bible School on the theme of the Days of Creation. My picture book, The Creation, would be a great classroom resource and/or a give-away for the students. Contact me directly for an offer you can’t refuse if you wish to give copies to each of your children.
The links below will take you to blog posts I have written about each of the days of creation, following the account recorded in the book of Genesis. These posts shed understanding by applying simple logic to the events as recorded in Genesis. This blog series complements my Bible storybook, The Creation, giving additional background information for parents and teachers to use for planning Vacation Bible School or a day camp with a creation theme. These blog posts also include activity ideas for science, recreation, music, and crafts.

The Creation – Bible quilt coloring book is available for downloads.
An ongoing craft that could be a part of the VBS or day camp is to make a Creation Bible Quilt. Coloring pages are available on the Bible Quilts blog.
Click on the following links to find day by day posts on the creation:
Creation Week Activities (for VBS, etc.)
- In the Beginning – Day 1
- God Made the Sky – Day 2
- Land and Plants with Fruit and Seeds – Day 3
- Sun, Moon, Stars, & Planets – Day 4
- Birds and Creatures of the Seas – Day 5
- Land Animals and People – Day 6
- God Rested – Day 7

God bless you for trying. No doubt you learned much.
I have been trying to get a series of Bible presentations together such as the discovery of the Red sea crossing, the Genealogies of the patrarchs, etc. but like you with not much success.
I guess we should settle for the elementary messages from our pastors and be satisfied. But there is much new information supporting the Bible being brought to light by archeology. It is discouraging that no one seems interested.
How did I miss seeing your comment? You are exactly on target. I hope to bring some of these archaeological discoveries into focus with future books. You are right on, and I’m not settling for what’s already out there.