Children’s sermons

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Salt & Light – Matthew 5:13-16

Salty potato chips, salty popcorn, and salty pretzels… Apart from the salt, what do they all have in common? Did you think of getting thirsty when you eat them? Enjoy eating a large bag of one of these salty foods, then ask your children if they are thirsty. Read Matthew 5:13-16 with them. God wants us, as Christians, to be salty so that others will thirst for God as they see our behavior. Sometimes salt is used for healing. Have you or

Palm Sunday – The Donkey’s Story

The donkey has a story to tell about the crucifixion on Palm Sunday. This skit requires two people, the donkey and a translator. To pull it off effectively the person in the role of donkey must be willing to look foolish and to bray his/her heart out as he brays with excited enthusiasm one minute, brays in fear another, and brays in contentment and peace another. The translator’s job is to translate the braying into language the children will understand. For

Simon says

If you have ever played the game “Simon says” you know the rules. The leader tells you to do one thing after another (like pull your ear or scratch your nose or take baby steps or giant steps). The secret is to know when to do it and when not to do it. If the leader says “Simon says wave your right hand” then you can wave your right hand. But if the leader just says “Wave your right hand”